The Measures
White Nationalism, 5 items (Reyna, Bellovary, & Harris, 2019)
1 = strongly disagree - 7 = strong disagree
Multiculturalism is the biggest threat to White America.
I am sympathetic to organizations/groups that bring attention to White concerns.
White American culture is what makes this country great.
One of the problems with America is the decline of Whiteness.
In order to maintain White status it is sometimes necessary to use violence towards racial/ethnic minority groups.
White Nationalism, 13 items (Reyna, Bellovary, & Harris, 2020)
1 = strongly disagree - 7 = strong disagree
Multiculturalism is the biggest threat to White America.
I am sympathetic to organizations/groups that bring attention to White concerns.
White American culture is what makes this country great.
One of the problems with America is the decline of Whiteness.
In order to maintain White status it is sometimes necessary to use violence towards racial/ethnic minority groups.
No multiracial society can be a truly healthy society.
My race/ethnicity is genetically more superior than others.
Violence is a regrettable but understandable reaction to demographic changes in America.
Whites should band together to support policies that ensure a White majority.
The government should prioritize immigration from predominantly White European countries.
Jews control the American economy more than they should.
Whites in the United States are being replaced by the influx of other racial/ethnic groups.
In an ideal society, men have more power than women.
Racial Identity, 12 items, Modified (Phinney, 1992)
I have spent time trying to find out more about my racial/ethnic group, such as its history, traditions, and customs.
I am active in organizations or social groups that include mostly members of my own racial/ethnic group.
I have a clear sense of my racial/ethnic background and what it means for me.
I think a lot about how my life will be affected by my racial/ethnic group membership.
I am happy that I am a member of the racial/ethnic group I belong to.
I have a strong sense of belonging to my own racial/ethnic group.
I understand pretty well what my racial/ethnic group membership means to me.
In order to learn more about my racial/ethnic background, I have often talked to other people about my racial/ethnic group.
I have a lot of pride in my racial/ethnic group.
I participate in cultural practices of my own racial/ethnic group, such as special food, music, or customs.
I feel a strong attachment towards my own racial/ethnic group.
I feel good about my cultural or racial/ethnic background.
Racial Entitlement, 10 items (Harris, Kannout, & Reyna, 2019)
I feel I am more deserving of good things than others because of my race/ethnicity.
Because of my race/ethnicity great things should come to me.
If a boat was sinking, people of my race/ethnicity deserves to be on the first lifeboat.
I do not deserve special treatment based on my race/ethnicity. [REV]
People of my race/ethnicity deserve better things in life than others.
I do not feel entitled to more benefits in society due to my race/ethnicity.
I deserve respect due to my race/ethnicity.
If I lost a job to a person of a different race/ethnicity, I would feel cheated even if they were equally qualified.
Those of my race/ethnicity should have access to more opportunities (e.g. jobs, education, housing) because we have more to offer.
I believe I deserve the advantages given to members of my race/ethnicity.
Discriminatory Policies, 13 items
Sometimes it is justified to use violence to achieve political goals in this country.
The government should use the military to control rallies/protests that promote racial/ethnic minority causes (e.g., Black Lives Matter).
In order to deter illegal immigration, the government should separate immigrant children from their parents.
Our country should use armed force against anyone crossing the border illegally.
Sometimes it is necessary to push back against authorities in order to protect the rights of my racial/ethnic group.
I am more likely to be aggressive when in a disagreement with someone of a different race/ethnicity.
Stop and frisk tactics in communities of color are unjustified.
We need to reform our criminal justice system to reduce racial bias.
Our government should build a wall on the southern border to stop immigration from Latin America.
To keep our country safe, people from Muslim countries should undergo additional scrutiny before coming to America.
Increasing police patrols in racial/ethnic minority communities is necessary to lower crime.
In most instances where the police shot unarmed Black men, the police were justified.
When Black people are harassed in public spaces (e.g., being asked to leave an establishment) it is typically because they were being disruptive in some manner.​​
Retroactive Ingroup Social Comparison (RISC), 4 items
Compared to your parents’ generation, do you believe your racial/ethnic group is better off today, worse off today or is about the same as before?
Compared to your parents’ generation, do you believe your racial/ethnic group is gaining status, losing status or has about the same status as before?
Compared to your parents’ generation, do you believe your racial/ethnic group has more economic opportunities, fewer economic opportunities or about the same economic opportunities as before?
Compared to your parents’ generation, do you believe your racial/ethnic group has more cultural influence, less cultural influence or about the same cultural influence as before?
Pessimism about the future, 2 items (Bellovary & Reyna)
I am scared of what the future may bring for my racial/ethnic group.
When thinking about my racial/ethnic group, our best days were in the past.
Optimism about the future, 3 items
I am optimistic about what the future may bring for my racial/ethnic group.
When thinking about my racial/ethnic group, our best days are yet to come.
When I think about my racial/ethnic group’s future, I become full of positive emotions.
Racial BIRGing, 4 items
The great advancements of civilization have come from my racial/ethnic group.
The greatest leaders in the modern world have been people of my racial/ethnic group.
The most significant discoveries (e.g., in science and technology) have been made by people of my racial/ ethnic group.
I believe people of my racial/ethnic group deserve more gratitude for the advances they have made in our society.
System Justification, 3 items
The American system provides equal opportunities to all groups.
Anyone willing to work hard can get ahead in America.
The American system treats people fairly.
System Condemnation, 3 items
The American system is completely broken.
The American system has failed to live up to its promises.
The American Dream is unattainable.
National Nostalgia, 6 items
[The following 3 questions are measured on a 5-point scale: 1 = Never; 2 = Sometimes; 3 = About half the time; 4 = Most of the time; 5 = Always]
How often do you bring to mind nostalgic experiences related to the way the United States was in the past?
How important is it for you to bring to mind nostalgic experiences related to the way the United States was in the past?
How significant is it for you to feel nostalgic about the way the United States was in the past?
[The following 3 questions are measured on a 5-point scale: 1 = Not at all; 2 = A little; 3 = A moderate amount; 4 = A lot; 5 = A great deal]
The way Americans were in the past.
The way American society was in the past.
The way the American landscape (i.e. surroundings) looked like in the past.
Anti-Immigrant Attitudes: Realistic Threat, 5 items
Immigrants in large groups are dangerous
Immigrants bring the problems of their native country to America
Immigrants are a burden on American tax payers
Immigrants are a threat to national security
Every person we let into our country from Latin countries means either another American will not be able to find a job, or another foreigner will go on welfare here
Anti-Immigrant Attitudes: Symbolic Threat, 4 items
Immigrants’ culture(s) dilutes American culture
There are entirely too many people from the wrong sorts of places being admitted into America now
Undocumented Latino immigrants are too emotional and hateful, and they don’t fit in well in our country
As a group, undocumented Latino immigrants are naturally lazy, promiscuous, and irresponsible
Racial Nostalgia, 2 items
When I think about my racial/ethnic group’s past, I become full of positive emotions
When thinking about my racial/ethnic group, our best days were in the past
Extreme Anti-Immigrant Policies, 3 items
In order to deter illegal immigration, the government should separate immigrant children from their parents
Our country should use armed force against anyone crossing the border illegally
Our government should build a wall on the southern border to stop immigration from Latin America
White Consciousness, 3 items
How important is being White to your identity?
How important is it for Whites to work together to change laws unfair to Whites?
How likely is it that many Whites are unable to find a job because employers are hiring minorities instead?
Political Violence, 1 item
How much do you feel it is justified for people to use violence to pursue their political goals in this country?
Income Gap, 1 item
Do you think the difference in incomes between rich people and poor people in the United States today is larger, smaller, or the same as it was 20 years ago?
Racial resentment, 4 items
Irish, Italians, Jewish and many other minorities overcame prejudice and worked their way up. Blacks should do the same without any special favors.
Generations of slavery and discrimination have created conditions that make it difficult for blacks to work their way out of the lower class.
Over the past few years, blacks have gotten less than they deserve.
It's really a matter of some people not trying hard enough: if blacks would only try harder.
Democratic Norms, 6 items
News organizations are free to criticize political leaders
The government conducts its work openly and transparently
The executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government keep one another from having too much power
Elected officials face serious consequences if they engage in misconduct
People are free to peacefully protest
People agree on basic facts even if they disagree politically
Dehumanization, 9 items
Latin-American Immigrants
Undocumented Immigrants
Native American
Middle Eastern